Second Sunday (moved due to Mother's day) May 16th 3p
Featuring an ART CHALLENGE by Jane Pettit: Perpetual Energy Machine

Time & Location
May 16, 2021, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
About the Event
ART CHALLENGE by Jane Pettit: Perpetual Energy Machine
May 16th (Second Sunday shift because of Mother’s Day)
BONUS: Holly Stone's images of public art by women she has discovered in Bethesda
Plan to respond to her Art Challenge next month to share an image and information about at least one in your area
Create a three-dimensional collage/assemblage box in the tradition of Joseph Cornell
and Betye Saar and photograph it to share virtually (or hold up).
This challenge involves a bit of de-cluttering, a bit of humor, and a lot of creativity.
Many of us have too much stuff. Some of us even have clutter—which attracts low
energy and low energy attracts clutter. And we want all the energy we can get! So,
here’s the challenge:
Find a box, preferably the size of a shoebox or smaller. A matchbox will do! Find three
things that you have held onto and don’t need. These are in addition to the box.
Incorporate them in a 3-D work that makes you smile. Create the work inside the box. If
your box is too small to hold an item, a piece of it or a 3-D representation will do in a
Share your box during our virtual meeting. Hint: If you do this, again and again, you will
have created your very own perpetual energy machine. I was on the lookout for mine
since a physics class challenge in my youth. I found it when I discovered mixed media
mosaics! I can’t wait to see what we all come up with!