We had an amazing turn out for the See My Color Exhibition. Thank you to all who entered the Call for Art. Because of you, we raised $1055 towards the Art Scholarship for a female identifying BIPOC (black, indigenous, or person of color) and WCADC has set aside an additional $1000 towards the scholarship. If you are interested in giving towards this scholarship, please visit the See My Color Exhibition online.
A special thank you to our Juror Zsudayka Nzinga Terrell and the WCADC Exhibition Committee. We gave special recognition to four artists at the See My Color Reception . Congratulations to the Awardees below:
1st Place
Mr. Jim Crow on My Shoulder
by Bonnie Askowitz

2nd Place
Two As One
by Linda Joy Kattwinkel

3rd Place
by Marie Allen

Honorable Mention